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About the Sand Motor

In 2011 a large peninsula was constructed off the coast near The Hague, using 21,5 milion cubic meters of sand. This artificial sand bank was created following the principles of Building with Nature: ocean currents, wind and waves are gradually spreading the sand along the coast and into the dunes. The aim is to reinforce the coastline in the long term and to create an attractive area for leisure and nature.

The Sand Motor is a unique experiment, because it works with water, instead of against it. Depositing a large amount of sand in one go prevents the repeated disturbance of the seabed. Nature then distributes the sand to the right places for us.

Peace and quiet

The influence of wind, waves and currents are gradually spreading the sand northwards and southwards. The resulting area bears an increasing resemblance to the dynamic coastal of the Wadden Islands. Various plants, birds and other animals have taken up home in this new, attractive coastal landscape. The area also has great recreational value as an area of natural beauty and for outdoor activities. The Sand Motor creates an area of peace and quiet for both humans and animals.

International innovation icon

The Sand Motor is important as a driver for innovative coastal maintenance. Dozens of researchers from various universities and knowledge institutes have been closely following the development of the Sand Motor since its construction. Its size and innovative character have generated a lot of attention and made it in to an international innovation icon.

This is how the Sand Motor works

Provincie Zuid-Holland